Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Finally, a Chance to Breathe!

Well, this has been a most interesting first week settling in Murray. I will go through, in good Western fashion (tribute to my father in law) the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good
  • We have a wonderful church family, they have graciously opened their lives to us. We have already been blessed by a wonderful reception, and have enjoyed great fellowship over a meal with some church families.
  • We sit under biblical preaching. In a day of confused Christianity, the model of a man standing on the authority of Scripture and proclaiming Truth rooted in grace and love is a dying breed. We are grateful for Bro. Glynn and his ministry to us, and to his people.
  • The church has afforded us the opportunity for me to focus exclusively on ministry. We have been blessed to receive this, and we are no longer dependent on Carrie's earnings or another job for me. We are truly excited about what God has in store for us.
  • Our students seem to have a hunger for Scripture, and I see a great mission field ahead of us in Murray and the whole region.

The Bad
  • The timing of things caused Carrie and me to be separated for a brief time until the house closed. She was also finishing up her job in Memphis and wouldn't be able to join me for a couple weeks.
  • Coming up with event ideas is a little harder when you're in a small town. Larger cities like Memphis and Louisville afforded many different opportunities. Now, to do anything big, we must consider travel logistics and lodging.
  • I am a displaced city boy living in the heart of rural America. I have no idea what I am doing, and I have no clue what to do. Please guys, no snipe hunts :)

The Ugly
  • Full time ministry = Full time warfare. We know full well going into this that Satan will attack our marriage, our health, and our ministry. Sadly, it is a result of the Curse. Carrie and I must be vigilant to ensure that what happens around the country does not happen to us.
  • We are living in an interesting place. Many people see Murray as Mayberry. But upon closer look, there is much darkness around here. From a powerful state university that has pockets of very anti-Christian resistance, and also an increase in the occult and other cultic religious expressions (even among Christian teens), and the impact of Bible-Belt Cultural Christianity. BBCC is one of the most dangerous and devastating things for Gospel ministry.
  • Ministry is messy - We are going to be dealing with very different challenges than what you may find in a typical urban setting. Drug use, family dysfunction, and apathy towards education and churchmanship are prevalent. Carrie and I are praying that we would be a model of Christlikeness to our students and to the community.
Stay tuned for further updates about what is going on. Until then, soli Deo gloria

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