Thursday, April 29, 2010
New Website
Thursday, April 22, 2010
My April Newsletter Article
A Gospel Centered Life, or a Religious Life? At the onset you would probably think I was crazy to say that being religious is a problem. Some may say that religion is good for the world, that it promotes morality, values, etc. And you’re right, it does all that. What is it missing though? The Gospel….
Recently I came across a blog post talking about the Gospel Life vs. the Religious Life. I've put in some of my own thoughts as well. Here goes, it talked about:
1) Our reaction when things go bad – A religious life says “God, you owe me this!” But a Gospel life says “God, you owe me nothing except that which you freely give by grace. I trust you more now than ever”
2) Our reaction to others – A religious life says “Hey, at least I’m not as messed up as that guy!” A Gospel life says “By the grace of God that is not me. Only by the cross am I who I am right now”
3) Jesus – A religious life says “Yeah I follow Jesus, and He’s part of my life when I have time. I’m a good guy, I pay my taxes, love my family, etc.” A Gospel life says “Jesus is my greatest treasure, the object of my greatest desires, and the deepest longing of my heart”
I write this to challenge you to examine yourselves, and your families and ask yourself the hard question: “Are we a religious family, or are we a Gospel family?” Gospel centered families aren’t always easy, but the Kingdom rewards and impact are amazing!
Soli Deo Gloria
What to do when your best friend moves

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Incredibly Humbling Moment
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Why I will probably cry after the UofL game today
Yes, I probably will... And it won't be because my favorite team may be on the wrong side of the NCAA bubble or because they may go down to a #1 team looking for revenge. No, the reasons are far deeper than that
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Why Lock-In is a Cuss Word
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Ten Things to Hear
10.) On our date night I just need to make a few hospital visits.
9.) I think I should go back to seminary.l
8.) It's funny how God always calls a pastor to a church that pays more.
7.) I noticed your family went to bed early last night.
6.) I can't believe the pastor's wife would do (or say or think) that.
5.) If it were my child I would want to know.
4.) Are you visiting with us today?
3.) I have been asked to do a funeral/wedding/baptism.
2.) Dear Lord, thank you for our pastor and his family.
1.) Well done my good and faithful servant.