Have you ever seen a building that never got finished, or your parents start working on something that gets abandoned halfway through? The Sagrada Familia is a church in Spain where construction began in 1882 and has never been completed. The target date is somewhere in the 2020’s, but even that is optimistic at best.
Think of your spiritual life as a building, that will not be truly completed until death when we are with our Lord Jesus forever. Until then, you are under construction! You start with the foundation, your salvation and early days of being grounded in Scripture. And each floor is built on top of your foundation of being saved and being a child of God. Sure there are some bumps and construction delays, but that is because you are under attack from Satan (just like how a building is delayed by weather, funding, etc.).
Here’s the awesome part though…. Unlike the Sagrada and the hundreds of buildings around the world that will never be finished, God will finish your construction! He didn’t lay a foundation and those early floors to abandon you and the project when it gets tough. He will see it through until the very last brick is laid, at which point He will call you home and say “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Paul says it best in Philippians 1:6 “And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ”
God is faithful to His word, and you can rest in the fact that He is the master builder who is overseeing the entire construction process, fixing the cracks and working overtime to make sure that what He is building is good in His sight. As a Christian, YOU are His “masterpiece” and He will not let His great work go to waste or be destroyed. Thank God He is not like us, that abandon projects when they get difficult or costly.